What To Do if You’re Seeing Fewer Unemployment Benefits

The $600 boost to unemployment benefits that was established as part of the US CARES Act officially ended a few weeks ago. That’s left many folks struggling to pay bills. And with the eviction moratoriums in danger of ending soon, it’s more important than ever to get prepared. 

If you’ve been receiving unemployment benefits, or are renting and are in danger of eviction, here are some things you can do. 

1. Make a lean budget

When money is tight, it helps to have a lean budget that’s focused on essential spending only. Cutting out things like Fun and Eating Out can help you divert your existing dollars to necessities like Rent and Groceries. 

2. Negotiate with your landlord

Some landlords want to keep their current tenants because it can be more costly to try and find new ones. The Simple Dollar recommends talking with your landlord as soon as you think it’s going to be difficult to make your rent payment so you can make potential arrangements before your payment comes due. 

3. Pick up a side gig to help fill the income gap

If you’re able to work, but lost your main source of income, try picking up a gig doing an essential service. We’re living in a gig economy, and hiring for jobs like delivery drivers has soared throughout the pandemic because those who are isolating or quarantining themselves often need items to be delivered to them

4. Find other kinds of assistance in your area

Since the start of the pandemic, many services have emerged that aim to help those who have been impacted. If you need help with paying bills or food assistance, find local services in your area that can help. If you’ve been laid off, you can also find online resources to help in your search for something new

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