GB Premium: Sync with your banks. Save time.

You’re spending too much time budgeting

After a long day, sitting down to manually add transactions or import them with a recent activity file can feel daunting and time-consuming. But we begrudgingly do it because we know how important it is to keep up with our budgets. 

But budgeting doesn’t have to be this way!

Save time with GB Premium. Get auto imported transactions.

When you connect your banks with Goodbudget Premium, your transactions are automatically imported so you don’t have to spend as much time and energy keeping up with your transactions. 

Instead of adding your transactions manually, all you’ll have to do is categorize them into Envelopes. As a bonus, Goodbudget will remember what transactions go with what Envelopes, so future transactions will be auto-categorized and only require a single click (or tap) to confirm.

No more staying up late to add transactions manually!

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  1. A strong philosophy.
    Transform your financial life with the Goodbudget Way.
  2. A time-tested system.
    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
  3. Great budget software.
    Available for the Web, Android, and iPhone. Get started with Goodbudget. Sign up now!

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