Thank You

Hi Goodbudgeters,

With wages that don’t seem to keep up with inflation and strife that fuels ongoing wars, the world can seem dim and dark. And yet against a difficult backdrop, some of you have shared how budgeting has cushioned financial difficulties and helped you make ends meet. Others of you have shared about how you’ve experienced a little bit more peace in your relationships at home as you get on the same page about money. What a gift to see this light breaking in!

If you’ve experienced joy in your budgeting this year, we rejoice with you! And if it’s just been tough all around, hang in there — we’re cheering for you!

We are so incredibly honored and grateful that you continue to choose Goodbudget as part of your money journey. We count it a privilege to work to provide the software and content you’ve come to count on. Thank you for letting us be a small part of your story.

In gratitude,
Chi-En and the Goodbudget team

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  1. A strong philosophy.
    Transform your financial life with the Goodbudget Way.
  2. A time-tested system.
    Goodbudget is based on the envelope budgeting method.
  3. Great budget software.
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