2023 Goodbudget Feature Recap

Goodbudget got some updates this year! Here’s a recap of the big changes that happened in 2023.

Due Dates on iPhone make filling your Envelopes easier

Living paycheck to paycheck was already challenging, and filling your Envelopes without having an easy way to see which bills are due between now and your next paycheck didn’t make things any easier. That’s especially true if you fill your Envelopes multiple times a month.

With Due Dates on iPhone, you can see your Envelopes’ due dates as you fill. That makes it a little easier to know how to divvy up your paycheck when you’re on the go.

iPhone: Group your Envelopes to see the bigger picture

If you’ve been using Goodbudget on your iPhone, you’re probably used to seeing your Envelopes grouped by budget period. That was true even if you used Envelope Groups to organize your Envelopes on the web.

With Envelope Groups on your iPhone, you’re able to group related Envelopes together, allowing you to not only see their budgeted amounts and balances individually, but also across the Group as a whole. 

That makes knowing how much you have left to spend in all of your ‘Food’-related Envelopes much more clear.

See the full list of updates

In addition to these bigger changes, Goodbudget had a number of smaller updates throughout the year to keep things running smoothly. See all of the updates (both big and small) on our Changelog

Happy budgeting,
The Goodbudget Team

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