2020’s been rocky, and yet we’re grateful.

It’s true this year hasn’t looked the way many of us thought it would. For those of us who like routine and stability, much of that was thrown out the window sometime early this year. But now, we’ve adapted to a new normal and are starting to get settled in our new patterns.

And even though the holidays are going to look different this year, the Thanksgiving celebration reminds us to take a look back and reflect on the things we’re grateful for. Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, now is still a great time to take a look back to reflect on the year.

Here are some thoughts from Goodbudgeters:

“Grateful for a rainy day fund that has covered my husband’s covid job loss and for being debt free!! Yay Goodbudget!!”

– Stacey

Grateful for my new job that pays more and saves me time and money by not having to commute 30 miles each way anymore. Now I have more money to pay off my car faster.” 

– Denise 

“That I didn’t lose my job….” 

– MrJoshuaPack

 “Paid off our non-mortgage debt a couple months ago!” 

– Becky

“Grateful that my husband was able to switch to working from home, and that our 2020 grad son was able to start college as planned. So grateful. Our budget has remained stable.” 

– Julia

“I’m grateful I could afford to save the money for student loan payments while they’ve been on hold during COVID – I finally have my 6-month emergency fund in place.” 

– Wendy

Comment below and let us know — when it comes to your budget, what are you grateful for this year?

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5 thoughts on “2020’s been rocky, and yet we’re grateful.”

  1. I’m grateful that when our child’s preschool closed down, we were given the option to donate tuition. That way, we could support the school if we were able and interested, and we could opt out if we weren’t.

  2. I am grateful for the Goodbudget staff who have done so much to help me/us (though they don’t know me or, probably you). I have been using Goodbudget for eight years(?), since it’s EBBA days. Because it trains me to make decisions about my money, I have been able to consistently live within my budget (something that I never was able to do for the 35+ years of independent (supposedly) life prior to beginning using their budgeting software. It’s truly amazing what can be done through a bit of discipline nurtured by Goodbudget. When I help people get a handle on their finances (I’m a pastor, and MANY problems trace back to finances) I always tell them about Goodbudget. So yes, I’m thankful for Goodbudget, but even more for the people who make this tool available for such a low cost or even for free!

    • Hi Michael – Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! We’re grateful for you and so humbled that you’ve allowed us to come alongside you on your budgeting journey for all these years. It’s always awesome to get to hear from a longtime GB customer, and your story speaks to just how life-changing and empowering budgeting can be. Thank you again! Be well, and stay safe 😀

    • Hi Karen – Sorry for the confusion! We’re definitely still in business. We don’t offer phone support, but we make sure to reply to every email. Be sure to check your Spam folder in case our replies are going there. If you’re a paid subscriber, head to the Priority Support form when you’re logged in on the website to send your question. We’ll make sure to bump your email to the top of the queue. We hope to hear from you soon!

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