GB Bulletin: Let This Be the Year You Crush Your Debt

So many of us live in debt! And that debt prevents us from putting money towards more important (and more exciting) money goals. While credit card companies or car dealerships want us to believe that living with debt is normal, the reality is it doesn’t have to be.

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Hear how one person broke free

So many of us live in debt! And that debt prevents us from putting money towards more important (and more exciting) money goals. 

While credit card companies or car dealerships want us to believe that living with debt is normal, the reality is it doesn’t have to be. 

Let 2023 be the year you start your journey towards breaking free from debt. If you need some inspiration to help you get started, hear how Karisa tackled hers using the Debt Snowball method. 

And if your finances don’t feel stable enough for debt payoff this year, no worries! Stick a reminder in your phone for six months down the line so you can consider it later on.

More on being debt free: 

In other news: 

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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