We Cleaned Up a Bit So You Can Too

Move multiple transactions at a time on the web You said it’s a pain to move existing transactions to new Envelopes — you had to move them. One. At. A. Time. We wanted to make it easier for you to clean up your Household. Now, you can move multiple transactions at the same time with Bulk … Read more

Where do you want to go?

When it comes to you and money, where do you want to go? We sat down with some budgeters, and here’s what they said: “Up. I’d like to go up, which means having more money. I think of a growth chart, like my kids have at the doctor’s office, and I want to check in … Read more

Scheduled Transactions. Now on iPhone too.

See upcoming expenses on your phone No more going to the web just to see when your monthly Cell Phone bill is due. See your scheduled transactions right on your phone. (We should’ve put them there, like, yesterday!) Tap the ‘Schedule this…’ box when you’re adding a transaction to create a weekly expense, monthly income, … Read more

Reports Help You See Where it All Goes

See how much you’re earning — and spending. And see where it’s all going. Check out your reports on Android, iPhone, or the Web! Income vs. Spending. This report shows if you’re living within your means, or just plain ol’ spending more than you’re making. (Hope not.) Whether you’re living paycheck to paycheck, sharing a Household, … Read more

Scheduled Transactions. Now on Android.

See upcoming expenses on your phone No more going to the web just to see when your monthly Cell Phone bill is due. See your scheduled transactions right on your phone. (We should’ve put them there, like, yesterday!) Tap the ‘Schedule this…’ box when you’re adding a transaction to create a weekly expense, monthly income, … Read more

Envelope budgeting 101 + Psst… we’re hiring!

Envelope budgeting 101 If you need a refresher course on envelope budgeting, check out this video. Our Budgeter-in-Chief, Chi-En Yu, went on TV to give a brief overview of how envelope budgeting works. Psst… we’re hiring! Are you an awesome Mobile Developer? And you love Goodbudget? Come work with us in San Francisco! And if you know … Read more

Goodbudget’s Going on TV

Tune in for Envelope Budgeting 101 Need a refresher course on envelope budgeting? Watch our Budgeter-in-Chief, Chi-En Yu, give a brief intro about how it works. Tune in to The Balancing Act airing on Lifetime Television® on Friday, May 13 at 7:30am (ET/PT). Here’s a sneak peek of the TV set & props: See Behind … Read more

Get paid weekly, plan for rent monthly (on the web).

Weekly, monthly, and six months envelopes in the same budget Budgets vary. To help you budget how you budget, you can now customize your Envelopes based on your pay period.  Get paid weekly, plan for rent monthly You get paid every Friday, buy groceries weekly, and pay rent monthly. Now, you can save up for … Read more

Getting out of debt. An actor’s story

There are always lessons to be learned in life! Especially when it comes to budgeting and making smart financial choices. Meet Jenny R, an actor and budding financial guru, who while making her way through the ups and downs of life, discovered that debt is a real thing. And, when debt strikes its ugly head, … Read more