Bank sync: fixes and enhancements

For those of you who’ve been using Bank Sync with Goodbudget Premium thus far, thanks for your feedback. We’ve prioritized what to do next based on what we’re seeing in our observations of how everyone’s using the features, as well as what we’re hearing through our support channels, both private and public. Another significant factor … Read more

Thank You

Hi Goodbudgeters, With wages that don’t seem to keep up with inflation and strife that fuels ongoing wars, the world can seem dim and dark. And yet against a difficult backdrop, some of you have shared how budgeting has cushioned financial difficulties and helped you make ends meet. Others of you have shared about how … Read more

2023 Goodbudget Feature Recap

Goodbudget got some updates this year! Here’s a recap of the big changes that happened in 2023. Due Dates on iPhone make filling your Envelopes easier Living paycheck to paycheck was already challenging, and filling your Envelopes without having an easy way to see which bills are due between now and your next paycheck didn’t … Read more

Envelope Groups Come to iPhone

If you’ve been using Goodbudget on your iPhone, you’re probably used to seeing your Envelopes in one long, boring list. That was true even if you used Envelope Groups on the web.  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Group Envelopes together to see the bigger picture If you’ve been using Goodbudget on your iPhone, you’re probably used to seeing your … Read more

Coming Soon | GB 123: Be Debt Free

Get ready to start crushing your debt Many of us live with soul-crushing debt that feels inescapable. When we’ve tried to tackle it, we’ve found ourselves in that frustrating “one step forward, two steps back” dance, and ended up giving up instead. If this has been your experience with debt, and you’re ready to try … Read more

Thank You

Dear Goodbudgeters, As we reflect back on this year, we continue to be deeply grateful that you have invited us to walk alongside you on your money journey. We know this has been a difficult year for many, particularly with inflation causing prices to go up for basics like the groceries we need every week. … Read more

2022 Goodbudget Feature Recap

Goodbudget got some updates this year, most of which were done in the name of making budgeting easier for you. But we also threw in one new feature that just adds some fun and personality.  Here’s a recap of the big changes that happened in 2022. New Web Report: Income by Source Goodbudget already had … Read more