Welcome to Budget Bootcamp

Week 1 | Day 1 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome to Goodbudget 101: Budget Bootcamp! We’re so excited for you to start this new budgeting journey — one where you’ll create a budget that works for you. And along the way you’ll build habits and learn techniques that will help you live out your budget for the rest of your life.

Now, we’re all starting from different places financially, but we’re all working towards the same goal… making a budget that works. We believe you can make and *keep* a budget. This budget will be your guide to help you spend on what’s important, save for big expenses, and give generously.

Over the next 29 days you’ll receive bite-sized assignments that are practical, reflective and relational and they’re all designed to help you create your new budget utilizing the envelope budgeting method (if you don’t know what that is, learn about it on our website and on YouTube). You can expect to spend about 5 to 10 minutes doing most of the assignments. Every so often there’ll be a longer assignment that will take about 30 minutes. Let’s get started.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make a plan for when and where you’d like to do these assignments. Will you spend time working on them at the kitchen table after the kids are in bed, or early in the morning over coffee before everyone gets up? Will you do the assignments for the week all in one day, or divvy them up throughout the week? Deciding this ahead of time will give you a better shot at completing these assignments.
  2. Comment below and let us know when and where you’re planning to do your homework.  Plus, share what you’re excited about learning in this course — and why.

Note for couples: If you share money with someone else, like your spouse, invite them to take this course with you.  By working together, you’ll be able to build a solid budget that actually works — for both of you.

That’s it for today! We look forward to seeing you in the next assignment.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

P.S. If you’re struggling to get ahead because you’re living paycheck to paycheck, GB 30: Break the Cycle might be a good starting place for you. In that course, you’ll spend 30 days working to boost savings and begin building a one-month cushion so you can break the cycle for good. 

P.P.S. Or, if you’re currently experiencing a financial emergency, either from taking a pay cut, receiving a large medical bill, or something else, GB 911: Crash Course might be a better fit. There, you’ll learn how to make quick changes to your budget so that you can survive in the short term, adapt to your financial situation, and thrive down the road.

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2,410 thoughts on “Welcome to Budget Bootcamp”

    • Being a single mom has been hard. Living paycheck to paycheck is hard. I am looking forward to changing my spending ways.

  1. I have always had a hard time with managing money. With the current situation that my husband and I are going through I feel like this is a good start to start out fresh again. I will do my assignments when I am at work and on down time. Which will help me have a better understanding on how to budget correctly and see where our money goes.

  2. I’ll do the tasks in the early morning. I’m excited to reduce stress, get a clear view on my finances and save time and money.

  3. For me.. since am all entirely new to GoodBudget and the whole Budgetting system, am really excited… I think I will do my homewors during my night time after am done with everything. So I can get a clear personalized time to actually focus on learning about all of this. Wow! Am so excited. Yeey!.

  4. I need to figure out where my money is going. I look forward to doing my transactions daily probably when I hope into bed. I’ll do the assignments when I have time but probably as soon as I get them in my email

  5. My plan is to dedicate every Tuesday and Thursday from 830am to 930 to doing Goodbudget assignments. I am excited to learn new financial habits.

  6. I look forward to having more control and decrease stress over my money by planning ahead. Will get up earlier with cup of coffee on days I work from home.

  7. W ill do weekly on for Saturdays then grocery shopping.
    My goal is to be better able to assist my kids and plan on both a large medical bill and retirement.

  8. I will work on the assignments in the evenings. I really want to start saving money for the future and have had a hard time being able to do so thus far.

  9. We will do weekly meetings with my wife to discuss and plan our budget for upcoming week (at our kitchen). We are excited to learn and use new strategies for wise financial planning using goodbudget app.

  10. I plan on doing my homework assignments in the evening, chunked out over a few days in the week. I’m excited to learn how to effectively create a budget, learn to stick with it, and begin saving for the future.

  11. I will do my assignments in the morning. I am excited to learn how to budget so I can get out of debt, stop living pay check to paycheck, create an emergency savings fund and show my daughter how to be responsible with finances.

  12. Hi there, I am suffering from severe pay check to paycheck. Mostly from past mistakes with substantial credit card debt. I’m going to budget and make my plans in the mornings before I start my day.

  13. Hey everybody!
    I’m going to do my homework after supper, in my bed, with. “leave zit To Beaver” on in the background. I’m “bacited”!

  14. I plan on doing the courses in my downtime at work, and on breaks. I am excited for me and my husband to get a better understanding of our finances and build a better financial future.

  15. Hey guy I plan to do my homework at night …best place to get quiet time …and I so glad to be learning and doing this for me and my family

  16. I thought I could just jump into this tool but I think I’m missing some information so I plan to do these courses at the end of my work shift before heading home.

  17. I plan to do my homework in my “spot” on the couch or early in the morning before I punch in at work. I do not know what financially stable looks like, I’m hoping to learn and stop being the spending junkie that I am. I need to learn to save for those “Just in case” moments and be able to pay bills on time, without robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  18. Hey there, I am really looking forward to learning how to keep up with my budget as well as looking over the assignments each evening around 7pm.

  19. I will be doing these assignments in the morning before I start the day. Ì am looking for ways to cut spending to keep up with the inflation rate that we are all having to deal with. Everytime I go to the grocery store prices keep inflating. Hello to everyone joining the class

    • Update, after week 2 – evenings did not work! I now do 1 week of assignments every weekend. It would be ideal to do it every day, but that’s just not my reality right now.

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