Spend on Joy

Week 3 | Day 15 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome back! Yesterday, you planned to spend on an expense that brings you joy. Today, we’re going to make the purchase. Are you as excited as we are?

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make some time today to go out and make your fun purchase. Enjoy it! (Can’t fit it in your schedule today?  Put it on your calendar for some time in the next few days at a time that works for you.)
  2. What made it fun for you? Comment below and let us know.

Note for couples: Share with your partner about what you enjoyed. Chi-En, our Budgeter-in-Chief, really got on board with her husband’s Fun budget when she saw how much life it brought him.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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11 thoughts on “Spend on Joy”

  1. I went out to dinner with a friend, which was fun because we got to catch up and focus on our conversation with each other, and we didn’t have to worry about making dinner or cleaning up ourselves!

  2. I still won’t have enough saved but I will go out and price out my joy/fund spending so I know how long I have to wait.

  3. I am going to buy new jeans with flare style for the summer look. Have visited several stores and still comparing to get the best fit. It is a lot of fun looking forward and I saved “good looking” envelope money from last month also, feel I will in the end get a really good one even if it is a little expensive:) proud of myself hold to visit more stores rattler than rushing to purchase anything I feel good but with dislike in length/stretch

  4. I’m still tracking spending, and as a teacher, my income is very limited over the summer. So, I’ll look forward to some fun spending when I start getting a pay check again.

  5. Already had my pedi at the beginning of the month, so that’ was relaxing and fun. Mini road trip vacations are coming up so looking forward to them.

  6. I scheduled my annual hair highlighting appointment in 2 weeks. At $200, I can only do it once. Let my hair go gray over Covid to save money on coloring and only cut it twice a year. I had to wait until I had cash saved up since credit cards aren’t accepted. It’s looking pretty bad so this will cheer me up!


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