Guilt-Free Spending is the Best

Week 3 | Day 16 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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For some of us, spending on fun is not something we do very often. For others, it’s something that happens a bit too often. This week, we’re highlighting how spending on fun can truly be guilt-free. When we plan ahead for fun spending, we can enjoy that little splurge and still have money for rent safely set aside.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Notice your fun spending. How did it affect your Fun Envelope? How did it affect the rest of your budget? Were you able to make space for fun while staying on track with rent and savings?
  2. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing we can spend on fun and not feel guilty. Did you feel that freedom too? Share your story with the community by commenting below!

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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11 thoughts on “Guilt-Free Spending is the Best”

  1. My Fun Envelope went down a little, but it’s still ahead of the bar for the month, since I haven’t spent on fun yet this month! Since I’m within my budget for the month, it didn’t affect any of my other envelopes. Since I was already thoughtful about the amount I decided to set aside for fun when making my budget initially, now when I spend out of it I don’t really have to think that much about whether I want to spend from it or not. And that feels like freedom to me!

  2. A fun envelope is like giving yourself an allowance.
    Both my husband & I have an allowance envelope. It’s controlled freedom.

  3. Well the fun bar went down but Thankfully we are able to manage the bills and etc the primary things. I had to cut down on driving because of the gas an looked for family/others to assist me With transportation or looked in free deliveries for certain things. It pays off in the long run.

  4. I don’t have a fun envelope yet. As a teacher, I don’t get salary during the summer and since I’m new to Good Budget, I’m still getting a grip on my budget and required speniding.

  5. I’m already thinking about next months budget and how to better allocate for the fun envelope. It definitely helps tone able to have this so you don’t feel guilty if you spend something for yourself or for fun. While I was looking for something fun, it allowed me to stay on track and not buy something that is above my budget – even though it was hard at times.

  6. It feels great to not worrying about these little expenses. Having a Fun Envelope takes away the guilt. And it helps me to size the Fun Expenses better.

  7. I will use my tax refund next month to add a little to my Fun Envelope. Going to be busy going to PT for nerve issues in my legs, so not much time to do anything the next few months.

  8. There wasn’t much in my Entertainment envelope. I had promised my grandson to eat out. However there was money left in my groceries envelope, so we entertained at home with steaks bernaise and a bottle of good wine.


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