GB Bulletin: Wanna teach your kids about money? Start here

Kids are like sponges. They’re constantly observing and absorbing the things they see being modeled around them, both at home and out in the world. And because they’re open to new ideas when they’re young, it’s the perfect time to start teaching them about budgets and the value of money.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash

Inspiration for your money lessons at home

Kids are like sponges. They’re constantly observing and absorbing the things they see being modeled around them, both at home and out in the world. And because they’re open to new ideas when they’re young, it’s the perfect time to start teaching them about budgets and the value of money. 

If you’ve got little ones, and are curious how you can incorporate money lessons into your home life, read Chi-En’s review of a practical resource called Money As You Grow.

Tips for budgeting as a family:

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

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