How to Save Money When You Need to Save Money

…when life hands you lemons It’s fair to say that life has its share of ups and downs. And sometimes we have to pull back on our spending to adjust to changes in income or circumstance. Or sometimes, we just decide we’re tired of paying an arm and a leg for things that shouldn’t cost … Read more

Generosity in a Time of COVID

One thing I know to be true about people is that we’re resilient. In times of crisis, we tend to band together and support one another. We find ways to be generous with our time, money and energy to help others who might need it more than we do. I’m so inspired by the acts … Read more

GB Bulletin: What’s your financial emergency plan?

Get your financial emergency plan in order Financial emergencies can strike at any time. For some people, the recent coronavirus pandemic is already having an effect on their budgets. Some folks need to stay home from work because they’re sick or caring for loved ones, and others may have had their hours cut due to … Read more

How to Build Your Emergency Fund

Financial emergency planning is a great way to prepare yourself for life’s twists and turns. And in our experience, the coming of those twists and turns is not a matter of if but when.  There are lots of situations that might warrant a financial emergency response from you and your family. An unexpected loss of … Read more

Goodbudget Goes Dark on iPhone

Now you can enjoy Goodbudget with a black, sleek look when using the dark theme on your iPhone.  To prepare for upcoming debt features… We’ve made a few changes to Goodbudget on iPhone. Now, you can Add Income, Fill from Unallocated and create Envelope and Account Transfers through the Add Transaction button (the notepad with … Read more

What are you planning for?

Throwing a party for the big game? Here’s how NOT to break the bank. Karisa shares her 4 tips for hosting a party on a budget. So you can enjoy your gathering worry free. What else are you planning for? STORY: How I Planned a Vacation I Could Afford COURSE: GB 201 – Plan Your Budget around … Read more