Using Accounts

Getting Started with Accounts

Track your bank accounts in Goodbudget and you’ll always know how much you have to spend. You can create Savings or Checking Accounts to add to your available funds, Credit Card Accounts to track how

How do I Reconcile My Accounts?

Reconciling is a great way to make sure that both Goodbudget and your bank have an accurate record of your spending each month. If you are missing transactions in Goodbudget, or there are fraudulent charges

Transaction Status Explained

Wondering what the green check mark in the Status column means? In Goodbudget, your transactions can have one of five statuses: CLEARED — Transactions should be marked as ‘Cleared’ when your bank shows that the

Can I Link my Bank Accounts to Goodbudget?

Subscribers to Goodbudget’s Premium plan are able to sync their bank accounts so that transactions they make are automatically imported into Goodbudget.  If you’re on the Premium plan, here’s how you can link Accounts.  If

Envelope balances and Account balances

Why Envelope balances and Account balances should match Envelope Balances and Account Balances are two different views of your financial picture. Account Balances talk about how much is in each of your real-world accounts. If

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