So you think you want to buy a house?

You’ve heard it before — buying a home may be the biggest financial decision you ever make.  So it’s imperative to approach it with solid budgeting principles. And at Goodbudget, that means we start by budgeting with a why. Our desire to own a home can stem from many places, whether something deep within ourselves, … Read more

Reach Your Savings Goals with Goodbudget (on the Web!)

Save for vacation with Goal Envelopes on the Web! With Goal Envelopes (just added to Goodbudget on the Web), you can save for those big one-time purchases you’ve been daydreaming about for awhile. Set a due date, and Goodbudget will tell you how much to save each paycheck to reach your goal. Time to save … Read more

Start Small and Build Momentum to Achieve Your Financial Goals

Financial goals can often seem large and overwhelming. But don’t be intimidated! Start with small and fun financial goals to build confidence and momentum toward larger goals. Not sure how to start? Here are some tips on how to choose a small and fun financial goal to get started.

Make a list of potential financial goals

Start by making a list of potential financial goals. Be creative when you make this list! You can start with the usual suspects like a retirement fund or a college fund for the kids, but don’t stop there. Is there a hobby you’ve wanted to try but haven’t had the cash to get started? Or maybe a trip you’ve wanted to go on but haven’t had the funds? Write those down!

A financial goal is more than just building up wealth, it’s about making choices with the money that you have. Paying down debt or saving for the future are great financial goals, but so is learning an instrument or giving meaningfully to a good cause. Think creatively about your financial goals and you’re more likely to find one you’ll really stick with.

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FAQ: How Can I Set Goals in EEBA?


EEBA is now Goodbudget! Goodbudget has all the great features of EEBA (and more!) in a new and updated interface. Check out our updated article on this topic, and check out the Goodbudget Help Center for the most recent help content.

Whether it’s your property taxes, a summer vacation, or your Holiday spending, we all have expenses that seem to creep up on us through the year.

Don’t be surprised by these predictable expenses! Instead, set a savings goal to budget for them throughout the year. You’ll save up for them bit by bit, and have peace of mind knowing you’ll be ready when the time comes to pay them.

Use Annual/Irregular Envelopes to Save for Big Expenses

Start by creating an Annual/Irregular Envelope in EEBA:

  • Head to the Edit Budgets page to create an Annual/Irregular Envelope.
  • Set the Envelope’s Budget to how much you’d like to save each year.

EEBA will break down your annual goal into regular monthly parts.

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