Bank sync: fixes and enhancements

For those of you who’ve been using Bank Sync with Goodbudget Premium thus far, thanks for your feedback. We’ve prioritized what to do next based on what we’re seeing in our observations of how everyone’s using the features, as well as what we’re hearing through our support channels, both private and public. Another significant factor … Read more

What We’re Perusing #6

This is the latest edition of our occasional What We’re Perusing newsletter. This time, we’ll be looking at why childcare is difficult for parents and providers alike, why it may seem like a raise doesn’t go very far, and how affordable housing might look different than what we expected. ARTICLE: How Child Care Became the … Read more

Resource Guide for Parents: Money as You Grow

As a parent, I’ve gotten excited about my kids’ developmental milestones, like their first steps and first day of kindergarten. And like most parents, I try to support my kids’ growth when it comes to my children’s physical, intellectual, and character development. In this post, I want to pay attention to the money milestones that … Read more

What We’re Perusing #4

This is the fourth edition of our occasional What We’re Perusing newsletter. This time, we’ll take a look at prison fines and who moves up the economic ladder. We’ll also learn about how some people are approaching the issue of reparations. PODCAST: Fine and Punishment: Prison fines and fees are used to pay for basic … Read more

5 Reasons You Aren’t Saving for Retirement

Recently, I asked Karisa for her thoughts on saving for retirement. From there, we had quite a fascinating conversation, and I thought it’d be fun to recap some of the main points for those of you who might be able to relate. For a bit of background, Karisa’s in her late 20s, has been working … Read more

How To Start Saving for Retirement

If you haven’t been saving for retirement, now’s a good time to take the first step. This post is for you if: You haven’t been saving intentionally for retirement, but you’re ready to start. You happen to have some retirement savings, like with your workplace for example, but they’re mostly by default and not because … Read more

5 Money Lessons My Mom Taught Me

Like every kid, I learned a lot about money just by being part of my family. Some of those lessons were taught to me directly, and some things I learned by watching, indirectly. Since Mother’s Day is coming up, I thought it’d be fun to reflect on what I learned about money from my mom, … Read more

What We’re Perusing #3

This is the third edition of our occasional What We’re Perusing newsletter. This time, we’ll take a look at inequality in wealth and jobs. And for a bit of fun, we’ll hear about the economy of a place very few of us have ever been. VIDEO: Why the Rich Get Richer – Wealth Inequality Explained … Read more