Welcome to Budget Bootcamp

Week 1 | Day 1 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome to Goodbudget 101: Budget Bootcamp! We’re so excited for you to start this new budgeting journey — one where you’ll create a budget that works for you. And along the way you’ll build habits and learn techniques that will help you live out your budget for the rest of your life.

Now, we’re all starting from different places financially, but we’re all working towards the same goal… making a budget that works. We believe you can make and *keep* a budget. This budget will be your guide to help you spend on what’s important, save for big expenses, and give generously.

Over the next 29 days you’ll receive bite-sized assignments that are practical, reflective and relational and they’re all designed to help you create your new budget utilizing the envelope budgeting method (if you don’t know what that is, learn about it on our website and on YouTube). You can expect to spend about 5 to 10 minutes doing most of the assignments. Every so often there’ll be a longer assignment that will take about 30 minutes. Let’s get started.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make a plan for when and where you’d like to do these assignments. Will you spend time working on them at the kitchen table after the kids are in bed, or early in the morning over coffee before everyone gets up? Will you do the assignments for the week all in one day, or divvy them up throughout the week? Deciding this ahead of time will give you a better shot at completing these assignments.
  2. Comment below and let us know when and where you’re planning to do your homework.  Plus, share what you’re excited about learning in this course — and why.

Note for couples: If you share money with someone else, like your spouse, invite them to take this course with you.  By working together, you’ll be able to build a solid budget that actually works — for both of you.

That’s it for today! We look forward to seeing you in the next assignment.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

P.S. If you’re struggling to get ahead because you’re living paycheck to paycheck, GB 30: Break the Cycle might be a good starting place for you. In that course, you’ll spend 30 days working to boost savings and begin building a one-month cushion so you can break the cycle for good. 

P.P.S. Or, if you’re currently experiencing a financial emergency, either from taking a pay cut, receiving a large medical bill, or something else, GB 911: Crash Course might be a better fit. There, you’ll learn how to make quick changes to your budget so that you can survive in the short term, adapt to your financial situation, and thrive down the road.

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2,189 thoughts on “Welcome to Budget Bootcamp”

  1. I’m going to do it after supper. I look forward to managing our money more effectively, particularly before I retire in a few years.

  2. My boyfriend and I are now sharing finances and I think this would be great starting point. I’ve always considered myself good at money management but I always up for learning something new. My boyfriend has never really managed money and I think he could use this course also. I’m hoping he will do this with me. I plan on mornings with coffee at the kitchen table being my time spent on the modules for this course. My boyfriend has an opposite schedule because he works nights.

  3. I’m planning on doing this after dinner once i get home from work.
    I’ve used other apps that kept track of past expenses.. I’m looking forward to trying GoodBudget and moving forward

  4. I’m going to budget weekly, every Thursday after pay day on Wednesday. I will do it in the morning while I have my coffee 🙂 This is my first joint budget so I’m looking forward to seeing what we can create and saving for holidays together.

  5. I will be doing this every other Tuesday which is when I receive my paychecks. I am excited to be able to finally get my money saved and under control.

  6. I will be doing the class after dinner when my kid is working on homework as we are both together but she is busy and I can do something productive for our future. I really hope this helps me get my life together.

  7. I’ll be handling my coursework in my private office in my home, and will commit 30 minutes every other day to my work. I desperately need to get us on a budget that will allow me to see where my funds are; where they’ve been and I’m happy to finally feel “adult”

  8. Peace & Blessings , I will do my assignment on Thurs & Friday looking forward to information to build a better relationship with my money

  9. I am very excited to discover new ways to manage my money. I will work on my assignment everyday at night at the end of my day. I might do two per day.

  10. Always been good at sort of automatically keeping within my income, now that I’m retired it’s a whole different story so looking forward to learning how to deal with that.

  11. I’m going to do this first thing after my morning workout. So around 7-8am before work on weekdays. 9-10 am Saturdays (or earlier if I work out at home).

  12. I will be doing this at home after dealing with all the new medical issues that are new for my husband when I am currently trying to get a grasp currently.

  13. I am a disabled vet living on a fixed income. I am in the process of starting my own business. I’m excited for the education and how to make my money work for me instead of me working for my money.

  14. My husband and I are wanting to get back on a good budget so using this course as a refresher, motivator and guide for setting a new budget wisely and soundly! We plan on doing the lessons together every evening after dinner & family prayer.

  15. I will start working on my assignment too night. I work better at night when it’s quiet. I’m excited about this course. I really need the help. I just retired.


  16. I am a first time mother. I didn’t have all my ducks in a row (monetary wise). I am ready to learn how to budget due to my life status progressing. I plan to do this in the morning. Let the journey begin.

  17. Since my work schedule varies, I will spend time each evening reviewing my budget and making sure all transactions are entered. I will also complete the classes during that time.

  18. Hello everyone! I plan to do the assignments as soon as I receive them, @6:15 am at my home work desk, after having made coffee and brushed my teeth. I started a “Money” notebook back in 2019 that I’ll be using for my Budgeting 101 Course. I’m not sure if I’m excited about the course (haha ha), but I have chosen to build good habits and change bad ones, and am sure to find motivation after action. Bit by bit, step by step. I’m am both tired of riding the financial roller coaster of cash rich/cash poor, and when most people are getting ready to retire, I have no assets, no investments, no property, no savings, which kinda scares me. Cheers!

  19. Will be doing these just before dinner. Spent seven years surviving on government benefits, and now that I finally have a stable income it’ll be good to know what to do with it!

  20. I’ll be working on my assignments with my first coffee of the day around 9 a.m. I love the whole principle of envelope budgeting and the feeling of calm and control it provides.

  21. I find working on my budget every pay period some what easy but can adjust it. I want to learn how to tight my spending habits and payoff debt.


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