Welcome to Budget Bootcamp

Week 1 | Day 1 | GB 101: Budget Bootcamp

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Welcome to Goodbudget 101: Budget Bootcamp! We’re so excited for you to start this new budgeting journey — one where you’ll create a budget that works for you. And along the way you’ll build habits and learn techniques that will help you live out your budget for the rest of your life.

Now, we’re all starting from different places financially, but we’re all working towards the same goal… making a budget that works. We believe you can make and *keep* a budget. This budget will be your guide to help you spend on what’s important, save for big expenses, and give generously.

Over the next 29 days you’ll receive bite-sized assignments that are practical, reflective and relational and they’re all designed to help you create your new budget utilizing the envelope budgeting method (if you don’t know what that is, learn about it on our website and on YouTube). You can expect to spend about 5 to 10 minutes doing most of the assignments. Every so often there’ll be a longer assignment that will take about 30 minutes. Let’s get started.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Make a plan for when and where you’d like to do these assignments. Will you spend time working on them at the kitchen table after the kids are in bed, or early in the morning over coffee before everyone gets up? Will you do the assignments for the week all in one day, or divvy them up throughout the week? Deciding this ahead of time will give you a better shot at completing these assignments.
  2. Comment below and let us know when and where you’re planning to do your homework.  Plus, share what you’re excited about learning in this course — and why.

Note for couples: If you share money with someone else, like your spouse, invite them to take this course with you.  By working together, you’ll be able to build a solid budget that actually works — for both of you.

That’s it for today! We look forward to seeing you in the next assignment.

Happy budgeting,
-The Goodbudget Team

P.S. If you’re struggling to get ahead because you’re living paycheck to paycheck, GB 30: Break the Cycle might be a good starting place for you. In that course, you’ll spend 30 days working to boost savings and begin building a one-month cushion so you can break the cycle for good. 

P.P.S. Or, if you’re currently experiencing a financial emergency, either from taking a pay cut, receiving a large medical bill, or something else, GB 911: Crash Course might be a better fit. There, you’ll learn how to make quick changes to your budget so that you can survive in the short term, adapt to your financial situation, and thrive down the road.

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2,310 thoughts on “Welcome to Budget Bootcamp”

  1. My husband and I will work on these assignments on Friday afternoons as a part of our weekly meeting at the living room table or on the front porch if its a pretty day. To make it more fun we will drink coffee 🙂

  2. I will do my assignments in the morning at my livingroom table with my coffee. I am very excited about being able to stick with a budget that works for my ever changing lifestyle.

  3. I’m excited to see if this helps our family stop living paycheck to paycheck and get my husband and I on the same page with finances.

  4. I plan to do my assignments on the couch every morning as soon as I see them in my inbox. I am looking forward to finally getting to breathe with my finances.

  5. Me and my fiancé are going to be sitting down every week for a budget meeting I am wanting to learn how to make life better with the money issues and keeping our life’s priorities straight and not worrying about money problems

  6. I will be doing a budget on my lunchtime at work, or when I get home from work. I am excited to get started with this, and am ready to learn!!

  7. I plan to work on my assignments in the morning before I begin my first work-related task. I hope to build financial independence and establish and a sustainable emergency fund.

  8. I will be doing my assignments in the evenings after supper. I will probably do the weekly assignments within a day or two. I look forward to this course because I need help creating a budget that will work for me and look forward to saving money for emergencies as well and plan for upcoming events, trips, Christmas, without going in more debt and trying to crawl out of it.

  9. I will do my assignments once I get home from work. I’m excited to learn how to budget my life and help with saving and overspending.

  10. I am planning on doing my assignments in the evenings around 2 days a week. I am very interested in the envelope system, it seems to be a great way to see where your money goes.

  11. I plan on doing my assignments each morning while sitting on my couch. It’s my hope to invest this time each day and build my financial mindset so that my husband and I have a brighter future. I believe these exercises will help both my husband and I to have a more clear idea of where we are spending our Kinsey, so we can make better choices as we move forward.

  12. I’m mostly looking forward to learning the how to with good budget as I recently upgraded to the paid version. I suppose my husband and I will make this a weekly date thing.

  13. My husband and I will do this on biweekly, on payday, Friday evening at the kitchen table! We do a budget book now but mostly so we don’t forget to pay anything! We have a savings but not much goes into it. We’d like to do more into savings. Hope this will help us to put and use money where needed and to have money when needed!

  14. I will work on this every day I’m home. I’ll share what I’ve done with my husband on weekends when we both are home.

  15. Hi! I am planning to do the assignments every night before my bedtime after a long days of work. This time works best for me!

  16. I will work on the small assignments every morning, and track what I spend and work on bigger assignments on Saturdays. I’m excited and curious to see what this course will teach me that I don’t already know. I’ve been trying to budget for a while now, but haven’t found the right strategies for myself yet.

  17. I will do the tasks in the evenings when I usually have time.

    I’m excited to learn more about good budget and making a budget that I can stick with long-term.


  18. Hi from Spain!! I am planning to do the assignments first thing in the morning. I guess it’s when I feel fresher and energized after a good night of sleep.

  19. I am planning to work on this in the mornings 3-4 times a week. I’ve recently retired and need me and my husband to be on the same page with our finances. I’m excited to have a budget that I can stick with to help save and manage money effectively and efficiently.

  20. I am three months into my first maternity leave. This means finding a specific time is very difficult as I’m caring for newborn. I’m going to take the first opportunity I get each day to do my assignments and then I’ll talk about them with my husband when he gets home from work after we have dinner and are hanging out in the living room.

  21. As of right now, I’m planning on working on it during break at work. If that doesn’t work out for me, then I’ll be working on it at home after work.
    My favorite thing is completing a budget to help keep me on track and lower my credit card debt.

  22. I will be setting a time in my calendar to complete my assignments and I will be doing them in my room or some place cozy without distractions.
    I am excited to learn how to budget, so I can travel more.


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