Creating a debt payoff plan

Taking the plunge into paying off debt can be intimidating. Especially when you owe a lot. Karisa can relate to that feeling. She shares about how she moved past it, and how she came up with her debt payoff strategy.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What kinds of payoff plans she considered
  • Why she was nervous about starting this debt payoff journey
  • Which conversations and people motivated her
  • How it felt to make her first large debt payment

Spoiler alert! Chi-En asked Karisa if it was easy to make her first debt payment and she said…”No!”

– Chi-En and the Goodbudget Team

P.S. Are you considering tackling your debt? What kinds of plans have you considered? Let us know in the comments below.

Show Notes:

  • Debt Snowball Explained in Jelly Beans
  • Reflection question: Is there something you want to make space for in your budget?  Something you want to prioritize? Tell us in the comments below!

Music Credit:  “Curiosity” by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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1 thought on “Creating a debt payoff plan”

  1. First episode of this podcast that I have listened to. I had high hopes, until the host had to be told the difference between a snowball and an avalanche and talk what those things were – and then the guest didn’t know what the word “austerity” meant. I guess there are other options that are more knowledgeable.


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