Budgeting with Goodbudget

Fill Envelopes From Income

You can fill your Envelopes directly from your income. Click on the “Fill Envelopes” button to get started, then follow the instructions below. Fill from… New Income and enter how much the income is for

How do I Transfer between my Envelopes / Accounts?

To create an Envelope or Account transfer, just click on the orange “Add Transaction” button at the top left of the homepage. Select the “Transfer” tab to enter the amount and choose your transfer type.

How do I change my budget period in Goodbudget?

Your budget period is the recurrence that you set your budget to start on. We recommend setting your budget period to match the day you receive your income. Most people have a budget period that

Re-Fill Your Envelopes Each Budgeting Period

You’ve been diligently recording expenses and adding your incomes as they’ve come up for the past month. Things have been going great–but it’s a new month and you notice that your Envelopes haven’t re-filled. What’s going on?  How do I re-fill

Build up a One Month Cushion

We all know it’s better to have a little cushion in our budget. What we don’t all know -or what we don’t yet believe- is that we can all have one. Well believe it! You

Add, Edit, or Delete Envelopes

You can add, edit, or delete Envelopes on the web, iPhone, and Android. On the Web Log in to the Goodbudget webpage and click the “Add/Edit” button in the Envelopes tab.  On the “Edit Envelopes” page

Add Goodbudget to Your Devices

Goodbudget is available wherever you have internet access. You can access Goodbudget on your computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android smartphone. Changes are backed up automatically so you’ll always know how much you have to spend

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